Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How Athletes and Entertainers Go Broke

By Dime Wars Staff

You ever wonder how an artist or entertainer can come from making millions per year to bankrupt and broke?! Some athletes reportedly spend $875,015 each month, including $26,500 for child care, $24,300 for gas and $17,220 for clothing, $10,000 “hanging-out money”, leasing homes for your “home boy” and regularly shelling out $3,000 to $5,000 to friends and relatives.

One agent describes the dilemma as a lack of experience saying, "Coming off college scholarships, they probably haven't even learned the basics of budgeting or keeping receipts. - Which then triggers two fatal mistakes: hiring the wrong people as advisers, and trusting them far too much.”

Some players are just plain ignorant about their finances another adviser said, "You'll say to a player, 'How are you doing?' A lot of the time they'll respond, 'I have no idea.' All the bills are paid by someone else, and none of the statements go to [the athlete]. ‘Advisers warn that such overcharging is the most common form of financial bloodletting for athletes.’ It's basically large-scale shoplifting,"

For you up and coming ballers here are some basic rules to follow: First: don’t hire friends and family - you will be doing them a favor not yourself

Second: use a jimmy hat! having 9 children by 9 different women is just stupid

Third: We want Pre-nup! - Follow Dikembe who didn't marry his fiance cuz she wouldn't sign!

Fourth: READ - this should go without saying

Did I miss anything?

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